frendearru 09 72 27 65 17
09 72 27 65 17



Extreme tour in Georgia

From1 247€
9 days 8 nights
Availability : April to October

Tailor-made trips to Georgia

All durations
Availability : All dates (depending on destination)
We can tailor-make a tour to suit your needs!

Journey around the churches of Georgia

From1 165€
8 days 7 nights
Mass wine. No, here you will visit the oldest Christian churches (Georgia was Christianized […]

Grand tour of Georgia

From1 876€
13 days - 12 nights
Availability : May to October
In this program, you'll get an excellent overview of Georgia's history, visit all the […]

Sea and mountains travel in Georgia

From1 304€
9 days 8 nights
Availability : From April to October
The sea and the mountains, breathtaking landscapes, and an ancient cave city.

Georgian getaway

5 days 4 nights
Availability : july 2020
A quick tour that will take your breath away; Caucasus mountains, troglodyte towns and […]

Why travel with us?

  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Customer service available 24/7
  • Carefully crafted stays and activities
  • Airplane quotes on request

Do you have a question?

Don’t hesitate to call us. We are a team of experts and we will be happy to talk to you

+33(0)972 27 65 17
+995 322 34 94 34

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